Universal Preschool Program 2024-25


  • April 22: First family-to-provider matching round.
  • April 23 – May 7: Provider review period.
  • May 8: Families are notified of first-round matches. Families must accept or decline by May 15.
  • July 5: Second family-to-provider matching round runs.
  • July 8 – 19: Provider review period.
  • July 23: Families notified of second-round matches. Families must accept or decline by July 31st.

Non-IEP Direct Enrollment: 8/1 until the end of the 2024–25 school year: Direct enrollment for non-IEP families directly through providers

IEP Direct Enrollment: February 29th through the end of the 2024 – 2025 school year: Special Education Administrative Units (AUs) and school districts will request placement of students with IEPs. Providers will accept matches within 2 weeks of receiving a match. Families of a child with an IEP will have until 6/30/25 to accept their match, we ask that they accept within two weeks.

Interested in Joining UPK as a Provider?

Providers can start registration and provide contact information for an Authorized Signer to be sent the Provider Agreement for signature. See this guide for instructions on completing your program setup form.  If you have questions about provider agreements, please contact CDEC directly at cdec_procurement-contracts@state.co.us.

Tools to Promote Your UPK Program to Families

The materials in this shared folder are designed to help providers promote their program to families.

Resources include printable flyers that you can share with families to let them know that you are a participating UPK provider and how they can enroll their child. There are also emails that providers can customize and send to families.

Universal Preschool Handbooks & FAQ

Family Handbook 2024-25

Comprehensive information to help families understand the UPK program, sign their child up, and rank their providers of choice.

There are also answers to common questions, a tool to check age eligibility, and more.

Provider Handbook 2024-25

Check this link frequently for the most updated version of the UPK provider handbook. This is a live document and new information is added regularly.

Includes detailed instructions how to enroll, how the matching process works, answers to common questions, and more.

UPK Info Sessions for Families

Information sessions for families to help them navigate the UPK program and application are scheduled! Dates:

  • April 23 at 6 pm in English
  • April 25 at 6 pm in Spanish
  • May 8 at 6 pm in English
  • May 9 at 6 pm in Spanish

No need to register. Click the button to join the Zoom meeting.

UPK Provider Support Sessions

  • May 3 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
  • May 15 at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Meet your LCO team and other providers in our region. Get the latest UPK updates from CDEC and guidance through the provider registration process. No need to RSVP; click the button to join the Zoom meeting.

Check this page for any changes to the schedule.

Most recent slide deck for 2024 sessions. If the session was recorded the link is at the end of the slides:

CDEC Provider Office Hours

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood Universal Preschool Program staff and leaders in their finance team are hosting weekly Provider Office Hours every Friday from 3-4 pm to assist in answering your questions until June 30, 2024. The next two meetings will focus on providing support needed to complete the Provider Agreement.

You can join online at meet.google.com/ggc-kzza-fxd or by phone by calling 413-471-2417‬ PIN: ‪494 614 242‬#.

UPK Help Desk

The Triad Bright Futures Help Desk can help families and providers navigate the UPK portal, assist with reviewing rosters, and make requests to CDEC for seat adjustments.

The fastest way to get support is to submit an online ticket.

Submit a Ticket

Need help with submitting a ticket? Here are how-to documents to guide you through it: 

If you cannot submit a ticket, you can email upk@triadbrightfutures.org or call 720-449-7960.